We act as a trusted search partner, to source and attract talent to fulfil the open positions and to help companies achieve their goals.

Our ability to understand the sector and specialist client expertise is well tested and proven with our unique experience to take on challenging roles.

Our specialist sectors include:
– Staffing and Recruitment
– IT and Telco
– Converging Technologies & Software
– Education

Within these sectors we have recruited at CEO, C Level, VP,MD and Director levels covering Sales, Marketing, HR, Finance, Operations & Services.

Established since 2010, we combine a wealth of experience with a unique philosophy that embraces long-term partnerships with clients and candidates alike.

Our proven track record is recognised internationally, where we consistently deliver quality candidates to all sizes of companies at their different growth stages, from market leading blue chip companies  through to fast growing start-up organisations.

Our multi-country search capability is extensive and proven.

Our Approach to Success

In-depth Briefing

Our first meeting is with you.  We gain insight into your business, the position and the executive you need.  We delve into the experience, competencies and personalities that are going to work for you and bring success to your business.


Once briefed our researchers start sourcing from our networks for suitable candidates so that they can be approached professionally by our consultants.

Evaluation and Assessment

Our search consultants meet with potential candidates to assess how well they fit your brief.  We evaluate against specific competencies and how well they will integrate with your organisation and culture.

Shortlist and Interviews

We present a shortlist of 4-5 suitable candidates for interview and manage all the interview logistics.

Closing Strategies

Our close understanding of the candidate’s career objectives and our clients brief, coupled with our marketing knowledge allows us to conclude offer negotiations in a positive way for all parties.